Address: | |
Economics Department | |
Pomona College | |
Claremont, California 91711 | |
(909) 607-3135; gsmith@pomona.edu | |
Education: | |
B.S. with Distinction in Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College, 1967 | |
M.Phil. in Economics, Yale University, 1969 | |
Ph.D. in Economics, Yale University, 1971 | |
Employment: |
Assistant Professor, Cowles Foundation and Yale University, 1971-1978 | |
Associate Professor, University of Houston, and Visiting Associate Professor, Rice University, 1978-1981 | |
Fletcher Jones Professor, Pomona College, 1981- |
Honors and Grants: |
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, 1967-1968 | |
Yale University Fellowships, 1968-1971 | |
Social Science Research Council Grant, 1973 | |
Yale Junior Faculty Fellowship, 1978 | |
Stanford Research Institute Grant, 1978-1979 | |
Pew Foundation Grant, 1991 | |
Pomona College Wig Teaching Awards, 1992, 1998 | |
Ford Foundation grants, 1994, 1995 | |
NSF grant for an economics computer lab, 1995-97 | |
Mellon Foundation Grant, 1996 | |
Irvine Foundation Grants, 1996, 1997 | |
Sontag Fellowships, 1996-2006 | |
Haynes Foundation Fellowships, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2006, 2011 | |
Published Papers: | |
Comments on the FRB-MIT Model, in The Brookings Model: Perspective and Recent Developments, Gary Fromm and Lawrence Klein, editors, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1975, 568-572. | |
Pitfalls in Financial Model Building: A Clarification, The American Economic Review, June 1975, 510-516. | |
Okun's Law Revisited, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Business, Winter 1975, 37-57. | |
The Value of A Priori Information in Estimating a Financial Model, with William Brainard, Journal of Finance, December 1976, 1299-1322. | |
Dynamic Models of Portfolio Behavior: Comment on Purvis, American Economic Review, June 1978, 410-416 | |
Reviews of Patric Hendershott, Understanding Capital Markets, Volume I, and Arnold Sametz and Paul Wachtel, editors, Understanding Capital Markets, Volume II, in Journal of Monetary Economics, August 1978, 560-566. | |
The Effect of Population Growth on Wealth and Saving in the Modigliani-Brumberg Life Cycle Model, Economics Letters, Volume 1, No. 1, 1978, 39-43. | |
Mixed Estimation as Generated Data, Economics Letters, 1978, 331-335 | |
A Short-Run Two-Sector Model with Immobile Capital, with William Starnes, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, February 1979, 47-67. | |
The Long-Run Consequences of Monetary and Fiscal Policies When the Government's Budget is Not Balanced, Journal of Public Economics, February 1979, 59-80. | |
A Critique of Some Ridge Regression Methods, with Frank Campbell, Journal of the American Statistical Association, with discussion and rejoinder, March 1980, pp. 74-103. (Journal of the American Statistical Association invited Theory and Methods Paper for the 1979 meetings of the American Statistical Association). | |
The Long-Run Implications of a Two-Sector Model with Immobile Capital, De Economist, 1980, 50-74. | |
Further Evidence on the Value of A Priori Information, Journal of Finance, March 1980, 181-189. | |
A Model of U.S. Financial and Nonfinancial Economic Behavior, with David Backus, William Brainard, and James Tobin, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, May 1980, 259-293. | |
Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Interpretations of the IS-LM Model, De Economist, 1980, 497-529. | |
A Dynamic IS-LM Simulation Model, Applied Economics, September 1980, 313-327. | |
An Example of Ridge Regression Difficulties, The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 1980, 217-225. | |
The Systematic Specification of a Full Prior Covariance Matrix for Asset Demand Equations, Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1981, 317-339. | |
Review of Aleksander Markowski, An Unformalized Forecasting Model, in Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, February 1981, 118-121. | |
Investment and q in a Stock Valuation Model, Southern Economic Journal, April 1981, 59-79. | |
Monetarism, Bondism, and Inflation, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, May 1982, 278-286. | |
A Simple Model for Estimating Intrinsic Value, Journal of Portfolio Management, Summer 1982, 46-49. | |
Flexible Policies and IS-LM Dynamics, Journal of Macroeconomics, Spring 1982, 155-178. | |
Disequilibrium Models of Financial Institutions, with William Brainard, Journal of Finance, December 1982, 1277-1293. | |
Estimating Intrinsic Value, American Association of Individual Investors Journal, September 1983, 28-32. | |
Comment on Ben Friedman, in Corporate Capital Structures, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984. | |
Nominal and Real Required Returns in Present Value Analysis, Engineering Economist, Summer 1988, 331-348. | |
Review of Dorian Owen, Money, Wealth and Expenditure: Integrated Modelling of Consumption and Portfolio Behavior, in Journal of Economic Literature, December 1989, 1691-1693. | |
Coping with the Term Structure, in Money, Macroeconomics, and Economic Policy: Essays in Honor of James Tobin, William C. Brainard, William D. Nordhaus, and Harold W. Watts, editors, Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1991, 205-232. | |
Macroeconomic Modeling of Money, Credit, and Banking, with Iman Anabtawi, Eastern Economic Journal, Summer 1994, 275-290. | |
Learning to Speak and Speaking to Learn, College Teaching, Spring 1997, 49-51. | |
Do Statistics Test Scores Regress Toward the Mean?, Chance, Winter 1997, 42-45. | |
Can the Famous Really Postpone Death?, With Heather Royer, Social Biology, Fall-Winter 1998, 302-305. | |
Learning Statistics by Doing Statistics, Journal of Statistics Education, November 1998. | |
Statistics for Liberal Arts Students, 1998 Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Education, American Statistical Association, 1999, 172-177. | |
Are Jewish Deathdates Affected by the Timing of Holidays?, with Peter Lee, Social Biology, 47 (Spring-Summer 2000), 127134. |
Career Trajectories in Baseball, with Teddy Schall, Chance, fall 2000, 3538. | |
Do Baseball Players Regress toward the Mean?, with Teddy Schall, The American Statistician, 54, November 2000, 231-235 (also 1999 Proceedings of the Section on Statistics in Sports, American Statistical Association, 2000, 8-13). | |
Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction Prevalence in Collegiate Cross-Country Runners, with Robert Tucker Thole, Robert E. Sallis, and Aaron L. Rubin, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 33, 2001, 16411646. | |
Comparing Sports Injuries in Men and Women, with Robert E. Sallis, Kirk Jones, Sam Sunshine, and Lauren Simon, International Journal of Sports Medicine, 22, 2001, 420423. | |
The Nifty-Fifty Revisited, with Jeff Fesenmaier, Journal of Investing, 11, 2002, 86-90. | |
Regression to the Mean and Football Wagers, with Marcus Lee, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 15, 2002, 329342. | |
Scared to Death?, British Medical Journal, 325, 2002, 1442-1443. | |
Horseshoe Pitchers Hot Hands, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 10, 2003, 753-758. | |
Asian-American Deaths Near the Harvest Moon Festival, Psychosomatic Medicine, 66, 2004, 378-381. | |
Idler and Kasls p Values: A Cautionary Lesson, Psychosomatic Medicine, 66, 2004, 373-375. | |
Bowlers Hot Hands, with Reid Dorsey-Palmateer, The American Statistician, 58, 2004, 38-45. | |
Shrunken Earnings Predictions are Better Predictions, with Margaret H. Smith and Manfred Keil, Applied Financial Economics, 14 (13), 2004, 937-943. | |
Is a House a Good Investment?, with Margaret H. Smith, Journal of Financial Planning, 17, 2004, 67-75. | |
Regression to the Mean in Average Test Scores, with Joanna Smith, Educational Assessment, 10, 2005, 377-399. | |
Monogrammic Determinism?, with Stilian Morrison, Psychosomatic Medicine, 67, 2005, 820-824. | |
The Five Elements and Chinese-American Mortality, Health Psychology, 25 (1), 2006, 124-129. | |
A Great Company Can be a Great Investment, with Jeff Anderson, Financial Analysts Journal, 62 (4), 2006, 86-93. | |
Bubble, Bubble, Where's the Housing Bubble, with Margaret Hwang Smith, presented at the Brookings Panel on Economic Activity, March 30-31, 2006; subsequently published in Brooking Papers on Economic Activity, 2006: 1, 1-50. | |
The Next Best Thing to Knowing Someone Who is Usually Right, with Joseph Steinberg and Robert Wertheimer, Journal of Wealth Management, 9 (3), 2006, 51-60. |
Measuring and Controlling Shortfall Risk in Retirement, with Donald Gould, Journal of Investing, 16 (1) 2007, 82-95. | |
Shrunken Interest Rate Forecasts are Better Forecasts, with Reid Dorsey-Palmateer, Applied Financial Economics, 17, 2007, 425-430. | |
Homeownership in an Uncertain World with Substantial Transaction Costs, with Margaret Hwang Smith, Journal of Regional Science, 47 (5), 2007, 881-896. | |
The Real Dogs of the Dow, with Anita Aurora and Lauren Capp, The Journal of Wealth Management, 10 (4), 2008, 64-72. | |
Ocular Injury Rates in College Sports, with J. Youn, R.E. Sallis, and, K. Jones, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 40 (3), 2008, 428-432. | |
Tobin’s q, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, second edition, Larry Blume and Steven N. Durlauf, eds., Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. | |
Harvesting Capital Gains and Losses, with Margaret Hwang Smith, Financial Services Review, 17 (4), 2008, 309-321. | |
Would a Stock By Any Other Ticker Smell as Sweet?, with Alex Head and Julia Wilson, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 49 (2), 2009, 551-561 | |
First Names and Longevity, with Laura Pinzur, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 108, 2009, 149-160. | |
Poker Player Behavior After Big Wins and Big Losses, with Michael Levere and Robert Kurtzman, Management Science, 55 (9), 2009, 1547-1555. | |
Birth Month is Not Related to Suicide among Major League Baseball Players, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 112 (1), 2011, 55-60. | |
Another Look at Baseball Player Initials and Longevity, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 112 (1), 2011, 211-216. | |
The Two-Child Paradox Reborn?, with Stephen Marks, Chance, 24 (1), 2011, 54-59. | |
The Baseball Hall of Fame is Not the Kiss of Death, Death Studies, 35, 2011, 949-955 | |
Do People Whose Names begin with “D” Really Die Young?, Death Studies, 36, 2012, 182-189. | |
Like Mother, Like Daughter?: A Socioeconomic Comparison of Immigrant Mothers and Daughters, with Margaret Hwang Smith, International Migration, 51, 2013, 181-190. | |
Tax-Loss Selling and the Year-End Behavior of Dow Jones Stocks, with Jeff Levere and Max Gold, Accounting and Finance Research, 2 (1), 2013, 40-46. | |
Why Are Some Home Values Resistant and Others Resilient?, International Real Estate Review, 17 (2), 2014, 223-240. | |
Great Companies: Looking for Success Secrets in All the Wrong Places, with Gabrielle Baum, Journal of Investing, 24 (3), 2015, 61-72. | |
Sunny Upside? The Relationship Between Sunshine and Stock Market Returns, with Michael Zurhellen, Review of Economic Analysis, 7, 2015, 173-183. | |
A Fallacy That Will Not Die, Journal of Investing, 25 (1), 2016, 7-15 | |
Hurricane Names: A Bunch of Hot Air?, Weather and Climate Extremes, 12, 2016, 80-84. | |
Great Company, Great Investment Revisited, Journal of Wealth Management, 2016, 19 (1), 34-39. | |
Overreaction of Dow Stocks, Cogent Economics & Finance—Taylor & Francis, 2016, 4(1), 1251831. | |
Stocks Should be Valued With a Term Structure of Required Returns, with Albert Xu, Journal of Investing, 2017, 26 (2), 61-68. | |
Three Value-Investing Benchmarks, American Association of Individual Investors Journal, 2017. | |
Estimation of the Demand for Construction Aggregate, Natural Resource Modeling, 2017: e12144. | |
Another Look at Dollar Cost Averaging, with Heidi Margaret Artigue, Journal of Investing, 2018, 27 (2) 66-75. | |
Companies are Seldom as Good or as Bad as They Seem at the Time, in Guzman, M. Ed. Toward a Just Society: Joseph Stiglitz and Twenty-First Century Economics, Columbia University Press, 2018, 95-110. | |
Effects Of A 12-week Cycling Training Program On Clinical Parameters In Patients With Parkinson Disease, with Zinta Zarins and Robert Sallis, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2018, 50 (5S), 490. | |
Step Away From StepWise, Journal of Big Data, 2018, 5 (32). | |
Overreaction in Football Wagers, with Andrew Capron, Big Data, 2018 | |
Stock Splits: A Re-Evaluation, Journal of Investing, 2019, 28 (4) 21-29. | |
The Principal Problem with Principal Components Regression, with Heidi Margaret Artigue, Cogent Mathematics & Statistics, 2019, 6 (1). | |
Be Wary of Black Box Trading Algorithms, Journal of Investing, 2019, 28 (5) 7-15. | |
The Name Game: The Importance of Resourcefulness, Ruses, and Recall in Stock Ticker Symbols, with Naomi Baer and Erica Barry, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2020, 76 (1), 410-413. | |
The Chinese Real Estate Bubble, with Wesley Liang, Real Estate Finance, 2020, 36(4). 239-247. | |
Data Mining Fool’s Gold, Journal of Information Technology, 2020. |
The Paradox of Big Data, Springer Nature: Applied Sciences, 2020, 2 (1041). | |
Physical inactivity is associated with a higher risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes: a study in 48 440 adult patients, with Robert Sallis, Deborah Rohm Young, Sara Y. Tartof, James Sallis, Jeevan Sall, Qiaowu Li, and Deborah Cohen, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2021. |
Statistical Significance Versus Practical Importance in Information Systems Research, with Ananya Sen and Claire Van Note, Journal of Information Technology, 2021. | |
The Promise and Peril of the Data Deluge for Historians, Journal of Cognitive Historiography, 2021/2022, 6 (1-2), 277-287. | |
Earthquakes and Home Prices: The Napa and Ridgecrest Quakes, with James Jung, Journal of Housing Research, 2022, 31(1), 74-82. | |
Full Moons and Forking Paths, Significance, 2022, 19(4), 32-35. | |
Associations of Physical Inactivity and COVID-19 Outcomes Among Subgroups, with Deborah RohmYoung, James F. Sallis, Aileen Baecker, Deborah A. Cohen, Claudia L. Nau, and Robert E. Sallis, American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 2023, 64 (4), 492-502. | |
It May be a Mistake to Delay Social Security Retirement Benefits, with Margaret Smith, Journal of Financial Planning, 2024, 37(2), 56-62. | |
LLMs Can't Be Trusted for Financial Advice, Journal of Financial Planning, 2024, 37(5), 64-75. | |
MPT and CAPM Mismeasure Risk, Journal of Investing, 2024, 33(4), 40-54. | |
Big Data and the Assault on Science, International Higher Education, 2024. | |
Imprudent Prudence: Endowment Risk-Managers Don’t Need to Sacrifice Returns, Journal of Investing, 2024, forthcoming. | |
Textbooks: | |
and Banking, Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1982, 572 pages.
Macroeconomics, New York: W.H. Freeman, 1985, 579 pages. | |
Statistical Reasoning, Boston, Mass.: Allyn & Bacon, 1985; second edition, 1988; third edition, 1991, 908 pages. | |
Investments, Boston, Mass.: Little, Brown/Scott, Foresman, 1990, 649 pages. |
Money, Banking, and Financial Intermediation, Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1991, 724 pages. | |
Financial Assets, Markets, and Institutions, Lexington, Mass.: DC Heath, 1993, 872 pages. |
Introduction to Statistical Reasoning, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998, 654 pages. | |
Essential Statistics, Regression, and Econometrics, Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic Press, 2011; second edition 2015. | |
Popular Press : | |
Houseonomics, with Margaret Hwang Smith, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Financial Times/Prentice Hall Books, 2008, 214 pages. | |
Standard Deviations: Flawed Assumptions, Tortured Data, and Other Ways to Lie With Statistics, Overlook/Duckworth, 2014. London Times Book of the Week. Translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Turkish. | |
What the Luck? The Surprising Role of Chance in Our Everyday Lives, New York: Overlook/Duckworth, 2016. Translated into Chinese. | |
The Money Machine: The Surprisingly Simple Power of Value Investing, New York: Amacom Books (American Management Association). 2017. | |
The AI Delusion, Oxford University Press, 2018. Translated into Chinese for sale in Taiwan, simplified Chinese for sale in mainland China, Korean, and Vietnamese. | |
The 9 Pitfalls of Data Science, with Jay Cordes, Oxford University Press, 2019.Winner of the 2020 PROSE Award for Popular Science & Popular Mathematics. Translated into simplified Chinese for sale in mainland China. | |
The Phantom Pattern Problem: The Mirage of Big Data, with Jay Cordes, Oxford University Press, 2020. | |
Distrust: Big Data, Data-Torturing, and the Assault on Science, Oxford University Press, 2023. | |
The Power of Modern Value Investing: Beyond Indexing, Algos, and Alpha, with Margaret Smith, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. | |
Standard Deviations: The truth about flawed statistics, AI and big data, Duckworth, in press. Revision of Standard Deviations. | |
Software (all written for Windows and Macintosh operating systems): | |
A Banking Game: students manage a bank in competition with three computer-managed banks. | |
Financial Decision Simulation: the simulation model used in Economics 158, Financial Decisionmaking; student teams manage competing financial intermediaries in real historical scenarios. | |
Macro Policy Simulation: the simulation model used in Economics 101, intermediate macroeconomics; student teams manage a nation's monetary and fiscal policies. | |
Smith's Financial Package: extremely user-friendly computational software for Economics 156, Security Valuation and Portfolio Theory; also includes programs that can be used for personal financial planning. | |
Smith's Statistical Package: extremely user-friendly computational software for Economics 57, economics statistics. | |
StatGames: computer games that help students develop their statistical reasoning. | |
StatQuiz: interactive multiple-choice questions to help students test and refine their statistical reasoning. |